Mommy Mayhem

Laundry detergent & cloth wipes recipie

Laundry detergent & cloth wipes recipie

Cloth wipes solution 2 cups of water 2 tablespoons of olive oil, almond oil or coconut oil 2 tablespoons of your favorite natural baby wash 2 drops of tea tree oil 2-4 drops of lavender essential oil Use in a disposable wipe box with pre-folded cloth wipes or put in a…

Contrary to popular belief… it’s easy being green!

Contrary to popular belief… it’s easy being green!

I never used to think of myself as green until a friend shared her appreciation for my “environmentally friendly lifestyle”.  I looked behind me and asked, “Who me?”  I wasn’t consciously being green that’s for sure.  Not that I don’t appreciate all the documentaries about reducing your carbon footprint and…

Mommies need to stick together

Mommies need to stick together

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Sarah…. with an “h”. I’m a career focused 30-something gal from the east coast of Canada, who can be described as the hostess with the mostest and a loving friend to those I hold close. My husband and I just recently…